Acupuncture is a natural, safe, and time-tested therapy that treats a very wide range of conditions. Acupuncture works on different levels according to what is being treated –
- it can target the more superficial aspects of the body, the muscles and tendons, and help heal tissues and resolve injuries, aches, and pains.
- It can affect the internal organs and hormones and improve organ function and homeostasis.
- It can also work on a mental-emotional level and help create changes in mood and temperament.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of hair-thin, sterile needles into the body to activate special receptors which communicate with the central nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems resulting in the release of natural pain-killing substances and dilation of blood vessels delivering oxygen and nutrient-rich blood, hormones and immune factors to sick areas of the body. In a nutshell, acupuncture boosts blood-flow and the release of the body's intrinsic healing chemicals.
Many millions of people have used acupuncture to date. Often people seek an acupuncturist for chronic pain and health problems that haven’t responded to conventional medicines. The NIH, NHS, and World Health Organisation have all given formal approval of certain uses of acupuncture. In fact 51% of medical doctors believe acupuncture to be efficacious and of value.
Alex is fully licensed and practices a safe, gentle, and effective form of acupuncture. He has a BSc. in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Kingston University and has completed a clinical internship at Vietnam’s largest acupuncture hospital in Saigon, and post-grad trainings with many of the world’s top acupuncturists and healers.
To learn more about Alex’s background and training read MY STORY. Or to make a booking or enquiry write to [email protected] or text/call (+44) 0792126543.
- it can target the more superficial aspects of the body, the muscles and tendons, and help heal tissues and resolve injuries, aches, and pains.
- It can affect the internal organs and hormones and improve organ function and homeostasis.
- It can also work on a mental-emotional level and help create changes in mood and temperament.
Acupuncture involves the insertion of hair-thin, sterile needles into the body to activate special receptors which communicate with the central nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems resulting in the release of natural pain-killing substances and dilation of blood vessels delivering oxygen and nutrient-rich blood, hormones and immune factors to sick areas of the body. In a nutshell, acupuncture boosts blood-flow and the release of the body's intrinsic healing chemicals.
Many millions of people have used acupuncture to date. Often people seek an acupuncturist for chronic pain and health problems that haven’t responded to conventional medicines. The NIH, NHS, and World Health Organisation have all given formal approval of certain uses of acupuncture. In fact 51% of medical doctors believe acupuncture to be efficacious and of value.
Alex is fully licensed and practices a safe, gentle, and effective form of acupuncture. He has a BSc. in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Kingston University and has completed a clinical internship at Vietnam’s largest acupuncture hospital in Saigon, and post-grad trainings with many of the world’s top acupuncturists and healers.
To learn more about Alex’s background and training read MY STORY. Or to make a booking or enquiry write to [email protected] or text/call (+44) 0792126543.
TESTIMONIALS"I have been suffering from pain due to mild scoliosis and bad posture as well as regular migraines since the age of 15. Before I started having treatments with Alex, I'd tried osteopathy as well as chiropractors but the issues kept returning very quickly after treatments. I was first treated by Alex a few years ago, and I straight away noticed a massive difference. I was pain-free after every treatment and that relief lasted for months! I now only need a treatment every 3 months or so and I'm free from chronic pain which has really transformed my life. I very highly recommend Alex for acupuncture!"
Jess Molteno Murray, Singer/Songwriter "I came to see Alex after suffering from Bells Palsy which stopped the muscles in half of my face from working. Alex was able to use a combination of acupuncture, facial reflexology and Thai massage and after just a few sessions I recovered all facial movements, a month ahead of the hospital's prediction, and felt a lot more healthy too! Excellent experience, treatment, results and bedside manner, I can't recommend him highly enough."
Sean Buckley, Teacher "Four or five years ago I was diagnosed with atypical Parkinson's disease and 2 years ago I suffered a spinal cord infarct leaving me with substantially reduced mobility. For the last two years ALex has been treating me with acupuncture and a variety of massage techniques which leave me feeling much enlivened. I can happily recommend him for his skills and the quality of his treatment."
Bill Diver, University Lecturer |
*Please include your preferred treatment time and a brief description of what you are booking a treatment for.
*Please note that a 24-hour cancellation policy is held, and the treatment's are fully charged if appointments are missed. |